U.S. Softwoods Represented at Vietnam Wood Show

Booth representatives engage in conversation to promote U.S. softwoods to attendees at the Vietnam Wood Show.

For the first time in ten years, representatives from American Softwoods attended the Vietnam Wood Show in Ho Chi Minh City to promote U.S. softwoods. Vietnam Wood is considered the largest and best trade show for the wood manufacturing sector in Vietnam. U.S. softwood lumber exports to Southeast Asia have been increasing in recent years and this trip helped facilitate business between U.S. suppliers and Vietnamese importers and end users.

Interest in the AmSo booth was strong with three hundred and ninety people visiting. About a quarter of visitors left their contact information to receive information about U.S. softwoods and upcoming AMSO events. Sixty-two visitors also completed a questionnaire about their perceptions of US softwood lumber and the use of US species. SFPA Members can view the complete questionnaire response summary within the Members Only section of SFPA.org

From discussions with booth visitors, it appears that knowledge about U.S. species and their applications is limited.  Most visitors said that they were not familiar with specific species and could only specify interest in pine or fir. A Western Red Cedar sample was present in the booth, attendees noticed that they liked the species’ lightweight and aroma. One wood manufacturer who visited the booth said that Vietnam is emerging as a major exporter of finished wood products, yet imported lumber shortages are slowing this growth.

The U.S.-China trade conflict is creating new opportunities for U.S. and Vietnamese companies. With rising overseas investment in Vietnamese wood products manufacturers and favorable U.S. tariff rates, opportunities for U.S. softwood exports to Vietnam are improving. Seeing the market opportunities in Vietnam increasing, coupled with the failing exports to China, SEC is increasing its activities and trade show presence in Vietnam and greater Southeast Asia. AMSO is planning an exhibit at Vietnam Wood 2020 to and will pair the participation with a Vietnam-US industry roundtable and business exchange and a reception.

SFPA Members can view the complete report and contacts within the Members Only section of SFPA.org